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Showing posts from January 27, 2019

Pringles Wine Tumblers Are Now A Real Thing

Remember the woman in Texas who was banned from her local Walmart a few weeks ago for riding an electric cart around the parking lot and drinking wine out of a Pringles can? Well now, thanks to  an artist named Celeste Powers from Coldwater, Mississippi, you can get your own Pringles wine tumbler from her Etsy shop . From TheCupArtistEtsy According to Ms. Powers' Etsy page, " Now you can be like the Lady banned from walmart on electric scooter." If you do end up like her we beg you, send us pictures! Cheers, Carly

Not Your Everyday Valentine's Gift Guide

Just when you start to recoup from the financial strain of Christmas and you think you can breathe again, it's Valentine's Day.   Well, we here at Busy Women's Health have told you time and time again that we are here for you.   Whether you are shopping for that special busy woman or you are shopping for those who support you, we have put a list of five, Her and Him Must-Haves.  We even threw a few ideas for together gifts in there. Of course we will start with the gifts for the busy woman. For Her: #5 on our list is the Coola Liplux.  This is Carly's FAVORITE and must have "chapstick".  With SPF  30   and vitamin enrichment, this beauty comes in original or tinted and is sure to leave your valentine's lips kissably soft and healthy.   #4 is the SUNMAY Rechargeable Sonic Heated Eye Forehead Wrinkle Remover.  We all know that one lady who never gets enough sleep and is always saying they are puffy and "squinty," this is the

My Year Of Intermittent Fasting

On January 30th, 2018, I took a step that would change my life.  I began Intermittent Fasting. I've talked before about how I discovered Intermittent Fasting (IF) and why I started this journey , but even then, I never would've thought that one year later, it would have changed my life in such an enormous way and that I would show no signs of ever going back to how I was before. It's not only that I've lost weight, (22 lbs to be exact and going strong), but the change I speak of is my relationship with food and my body. Before adopting an IF lifestyle, I struggled, much like many do, with feeling guilty for eating the "wrong" things and for feeling like I had no control over my body or my life. I was speaking with a friend recently who was curious about fasting and in that conversation, I was reminded of my past weight gain, subsequent diets and, most notably, subsequent failures.  After a tough time in my life, and a bout with depression, I

Calling All Customer Service Reps....Don't Be A Douche!

What is the actual role of a Customer Service Representative (CSR)? As a person who has been on the high end of this position in some form, mostly in the animal medical world, for the last 20 years, I can tell you the answer is not simple. But I can also tell you it's not a position for everyone and everyone should stop treating it as such. I have a Young Living Essential Oil business, I am a substitute in my local school district, I have ran front office for a high end security company in California, and as mentioned, spent quite a bit of time running a front office as a CSRM in veterinary clinics. From Kansas to Oregon to South Carolina, I have literally seen and heard it all.  Sadly, the bad rap we get is because there is always that one person who thinks they are GOD because they are at the front, meaning they are the first and last person you will look at or speak to.   You know who is the worst, in my opinion?..the bad apple that gets hired to work the front in th