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Tummy Tea

Oooohhhh It's a these are the words that tend to leave my child’s mouth as he leaves the bathroom.

And trust me, not the words I want hear knowing I have to go in after him. 

A little background. Our child has had gastrointestinal issues, including an emergency life flight, since he was 18 months (he’s now 10 years), and we have seen every doctor you could possibly think of for these issues, as well as, all the medications, rubs, exercises or, whatever else "Dr. Google" and your neighbor's second cousin's aunt has told you to try.  

Been there....done that...found tea.

And trust me, this was even a hard lesson for me to swallow as a mom. At some point we have to realize, we know ourselves and our loved ones better than any other forces that be. (Again, let me reiterate, I believe in medicine, but I also believe there are some home remedies that really work, as well).   

Where am I going with this? Probably to a bottle of wine....oops, got off course. 

Tummy issues are all over the place in my house. "I feel like I’m bloated," "I want to throw up," I feel like I’m burning from the inside out," it’s a plethora of gut insanity. Lord, have mercy on me!

So reach for what you probably already have in your home. Ginger, coriander (cilantro in seed version), peppermint, cinnamon, lemon....that chamomile tea you bought for sleep. 

Sounding vaguely familiar to Carly’s Breathe Easy Tea...there’s a reason for that.

No single “herb” was put on this earth to do just one job. You can mix and match ingredients that suite your family, to aid in combating multiple things at once.  

Yes, I’ve rambled and you’re just waiting for the recipe so here it is.  

(If you want to know how to make this using Pure food grade essential oils, let us know in the comments or send us an email)

You can make this exactly as stated, or you can add it into your favorite chamomile tea like my favorite here.

Enjoy your day, cramp free, cleanup free and hopefully smell free. 

I'll be back soon!


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