Those three little letters that make everyone stop and think.
I am constantly asked why wouldn’t you just go to the doctor and get some medicine? Why wouldn’t you just grab a salve and rub it on the cut? Why wouldn't you....Why?....Why?....Why?....
Because I don’t want to. It is really that simple of an answer for me and my family.
The real question should be why would I want to? Why would I want to put a whole bunch of unnecessary chemicals or antibiotics in myself, my husband or especially my child when the human body is designed to fight off SOME of the yuck it gets contaminated with. And, ok, sometimes it needs help. But that doesn’t mean reaching for a pharmacy every time. For us it means grabbing those little bottles of Oils and giving the body a boost.
And I don’t have to worry about putting anything toxic in or on our bodies at the same time.
I have your typical, if I can find a way to make it rowdy and probably get hurt, boy. There is not a day that goes by that we don’t have a pulled muscle, sprained something, splinter or good scrape. And sometimes these ouchies really hurt and need some aid. Let’s say it’s the scrape and realistically a decent cut, as a mom I know I need to get it clean, get something on it to protect it and help heal as well as make my child comfortable both from the Ow factor and emotional factor.
Here’s our protocol. Clean it with warm water and thieves foaming hand soap, dab it dry and apply either the Kid Scents Owie or Purification. The hand soap has the Thieves Essential Oil in it, so no need for peroxide. Both of the Essential Oil blends are specifically designed to help aid body in eliminating bacteria, help lessen any chances of infection and actually support the bodies natural ability to heal. Of course there are extra boo boo kisses too. And guess what since these are blends they also have properties that are aromatically soothing to heightened emotional states. Win! Win!
Or you could go grab your typical cleaning agent, some sort of triple antibiotic gel/salve. But now you have introduced products that aren’t all that great when it comes to non toxic and your body has to fight that as well. Furthermore, it’s sticky and goopy, it attracts dirt around your bandaid or gauze wrap and now it’s a losing battle to keep the area free of debris and harmful bacteria. End result is you’re back at square one minus maybe some bleeding.
Please be smart though, if you have a gash and it’s deep, get yourself or family member who has the wound to the doctor immediately! There is still definitely a time and place where they are a necessity.
Well that’s my snippet for today, boy-mom life and wounds, we’ll dive deeper into the why another time. Isn’t life fun? I know I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Miss Carly has been hard at it, so switch on over and see what she’s got going on.
I’ll be back soon!
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